Here are some of our frequently asked questions. If we don’t answer it here, please feel free get in touch.

What stock of nickel alloys do you hold?

We offer a wide range of nickel alloys. Please visit our Metal Stock page for a full list.

What are nickel alloys used for?

This durable metal brings exceptional corrosion, oxidation and temperature resistance combined with a high degree of ductility and formability.

Can I use 718 in my application?

Alloy 718 can be used in a variety of applications including:

  • Gas turbine engine parts
  • Liquid fuel rocket motor components
  • Springs, fasteners
  • Cryogenic tanks
  • Pumps and valves
  • Tooling

What is the difference between 718 and 725?

718 and 725 are both nickel-based alloys. However, there is a difference in their composition which accounts for a significant difference in their physical properties.

Why are nickel alloys so expensive?

What is the difference between 4130 and F22?

What stock of carbon alloys do you hold?

We stock a range of carbon alloys, please visit our Metal Stock page for a full list.

Can you provide technical advice?

Yes, we have a variety of staff who are experts in their field that can help and give you advice. 

What other services do you provide?

We offer a full-service turnkey approach. Please visit our services page for the full details.